Wednesday 30 January 2008

Overview Of Our Documentary

Our documentary is about the in and outs of crime, our documentary will show the statisctis of crime and how it became this bad, in our documentary we will feature the following topics, gun crime, crime in the US, robbery, and drug crime.
in the documentary we will be interviweing people who's lives have been effected by gun crime, and also drug crime, the drug in particular we will feature is cannabis, cannabis is linked with many gang organisations and very common amognst the youth of west london. when featuring the cannabis section, we will have footage of cannabis growing in bedrooms, and we will also have a incite on the cannabis world, we have already planned a interviewer with a former drug seller.

our documentary will show in dept the crime in the uk, compared to the US, we will dicuss many topics around crime, and try to find a soloution to why it has reached the extent that it is now.

Harlem NYC

Wednesday 23 January 2008

AeroSoldiers Analysis

The setting of this documentary was in places such as train tracks and local roads this is becuase it is where graffiti is, the scenes are shown in low key lighting this is to show the secrecy when graffiting.
the sound in the documentary are songs that have a fast beat this links with the lifestyle of a graffiti artist, also the type of music is important becuase it would be something the artists listen to.
in the documentary the graffiti artists are wearing hoodies, the connotations of hoodies are crime and street culture,this shows that the graffiti culture is amongst a young age group.

in the documentary graffiti artists are represented as artists that go against the law, it shows how the artists take risks to do what they feel passionetly about.
the main auidence for this documentary are people who are against graffiti this is so they can show the possitve side of graffiti. The second target audience would be young kids who like graffiting as they could relate to the people in the video.

The ideology shown in this documentry is the belief that graffiti is a form of art and that it should not be illegal. They believe that graffiti is an artist's vision and that it is creative and it is an undiscovered voice of the rebelious teenagers. This documentry represents the middle class white politicians who that graffiti is bad as very narrow minded. It also shows that they are wasting their time because graffiti is just a phase that the young teenagers go through and that it will pass. They also imply that there is no way that the goverment's going to stop graffiting because its something a lot of young teenagers go through like drugs so

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Facts about gang related crimes

Gangs are defined in many ways, and most definitions have similar components. One common definition of a gang is a group of three or more individuals who engage in criminal activity and identify themselves with a common name or sign.

At a recent gang conference, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention leadership pointed out it should not be assumed that "indicators of general crime and indicators of gang crime go hand-in-hand." For example, Los Angeles recorded 1,077 homicides in 1993 and 587 homicides in 2001, "just over half the total from 1993. But the number of gang-related homicides in 2001 was exactly the same as it was in 1993: 346 gang homicides." Unfortunately, "our best national indicators of crime do not provide information specifically about gang crime" (Opening Remarks for the National Youth Gang Symposium, 2002). Regardless of whether gang crime has decreased, increased, or remained constant, gangs remain a problem in many areas throughout the nation. According to respondents to a nationwide mail survey of police agencies conducted in 1995, "53 percent of police respondents said serious gangs had migrated into their community, and 43 percent reported that gangs in their city had expanded to other jurisdictions, including suburban communities" (Responding to Gangs, Evaluation and Research, 2002). In another survey of police departments conducted in 2000, 95 percent of respondents "identified [gang] activity within one or more high schools in their jurisdictions," and 91 percent "reported gang activity within one or more intermediate schools in their jurisdictions" (Highlights of the 2000 National Youth Gang Survey, 2002).

Correctional facilities have also been affected by gang activity. According to a 1999 survey by the National Gang Crime Research Center, gang membership within adult state correctional facilities increased from 9.4% in 1991 to 24.7% in 1999 (A National Assessment of Gangs and Security Threat Groups (STGs) in Adult Correctional Institutions: Results of the 1999 Adult Corrections Survey). Prison gangs, better known as Security Threat Groups, have been defined by the American Correctional Association as "two or more inmates, acting together, who pose a threat to the security or safety of staff/inmates and/or are disruptive to programs and/or to the orderly management of the facility/system."

Incarceration does little to disrupt the violent activities of gang-affiliated inmates. The Federal Bureau of Prisons report, The Influence of Prison Gang Affiliation on Violence and Other Prison Misconduct, 2001, indicates that gang affiliation increases the likelihood of prison violence and other forms of misconduct. The trouble does not end when gang members are released from prison. According to the Highlights of the 2000 National Youth Gang Survey, "seventy-two percent of respondents reported that gang members who returned to the community from prison had a negative impact on youth gang problems, whereas 7 percent reported no impact and 21 percent reported that they could not make a determination. Among agencies that reported an impact, 30 percent reported that returning gang members greatly contributed to the growth of drug trafficking, 19 percent reported that they greatly contributed to an increase in violence among local gangs, and 12 percent reported that they greatly increased local gang access to weapons."

In response to gang violence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) developed a National Gang Strategy in 1993. The strategy was designed to incorporate the investigative and prosecutorial practices that have proven successful in the Organized Crime/Drug Program National Strategy. Encouraging coordination and information sharing between federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, the FBI is able to identify violent gang enterprises that pose a significant threat and to pursue these criminals with coordinated investigations that support successful prosecutions. These FBI pursuits are an essential component of the U.S. Department of Justice's overall Anti-Violence Crime Initiative (Federal Bureau of Investigation Violent Crimes and Major Offenders Section, 2002).

As a result of the Anti-Violence Crime Initiative, corrections, parole and probation, and law enforcement are developing strategies to work together and share information. "Police and corrections staff developed procedures to exchange information about offenders who are of particular interest to each of them. For example, police gang units may supply state prison officials with information about the gang affiliations and activities of offenders from their jurisdiction who are sent to prison. In exchange, prison officials may alert local police when gang-involved offenders are about to be released from prison, and describe their gang activities while confined" (Police-Corrections Partnerships, 1999).

The effectiveness of multiagency coordination and integration between police, probation, parole, grassroots organizations, and corrections in controlling and redirecting serious and violent gang members has offered positive results, indicating that serious and violent gang crime can be controlled, if not reduced (Police-Corrections Partnerships, 1999).

Friday 18 January 2008


This video has been banned from music channels such as Channel U because of its gang related nature. You can see how young some of the kids are in the video and they're associated with older possibly criminals, this indicates that they look up to them as their role models. Also you see them wearing bandanas which suggests their beliefs have come from america as in the USA, gangs such as 'crips' & 'bloods' wear bandanas to represent their gangs. By using the yellow notices which are used by the police to appeal for information about shootings and robberies, it is being implied that the gang in this video are responsible.


This news clip highlights the growing problem of street gangs recruiting teenagers as young as 15/16 years old. Also this addresses the issue of guns being used more by teenagers resulting in tragic deaths. However, this clip also shows that there are people in the community who are trying to make a difference in an attempt to stop the gang culture.